Our research group "Digital Service Innovation" (DSI) is focusing on designing, developing, and evaluating novel digital services and service business models based on the use of data and AI. Established in 2008 in cooperation with IBM, we build on a proven "industry-on-campus" concept bringing industry experience to KIT - and put a particular emphasis on connecting theory and practical application. We are part of both the Institute for Information Systems (WIN) as well as the interdisciplinary Karlsruhe Digital Service Research & Innovation Hub (KSRI).
Our conviction
We strongly believe that digitalization will radically transform the way value is generated for businesses and individuals and drive the "servitization" of businesses. Information and communication technology will be the "glue" for service systems in which several partners cooperate to jointly create value. In a business context, this means that innovation concepts have to elevate above the scope of the single enterprise and comprise customers, partners, or whole ecosystems.
Our focus
We are fascinated by the opportunitities that digitalization holds for service innovation. Our research focuses on concepts, methods and tools to design novel services and entire business models. At the same time, we run an integrated teaching and training concept within the KSRI to educate future leaders for a global, services-led world. Based on a solid understanding of service systems, students are developing economic and technical competences essential to successfully engineer and manage IT-based services. Courses are usually taught in English.
Our expertise
We specialize in analyzing and designing user-centric and IT-based services and evaluating them in practice – while tightly connecting business and technology. Our current research is organized in two labs – in which we add interdisciplinary and domain expertise from other KSRI groups and partners.
Digital Service Design & Innovation: We conceive and apply methods, techniques and tools for the design and innovation of digital services. We provide knowledge and guidance to leverage emerging technologies such as AI, Analytics, Blockchain, IoT for impactful services, business models and service systems - emphasizing a human perspective. Current topics include Design Thinking-based Innovation Processes, Digital User Engagement, and Data- and AI-based Services and Business Models.
Applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Services: We utilize artificial intelligence and, in particular machine learning, to conceive, build and evaluate innovative digital services – with a particular focus on developing "system" solutions across organizations and on complementing human and machine capabilities. Current topics include AI in Service Systems, IoT-based (Smart) Services, and Human-AI Collaboration, in particular topics of complementary team performance, fairness, and appropriate reliance on AI.



